Collagen Protein verses Whey Protein


Collagen Protein verses Whey Protein

As an important building block, protein helps you get stronger, stay healthy, and maintain energy as for Collagen Protein verses Whey Protein. Although most doctors and nutritionists recommend that you get your protein primarily from the foods you eat, there are many reasons why you might consider taking a protein supplement as collagen protein vs whey.

Whether you’re trying to build lean muscle or need a snack on the go, it seems like everyone from fitness pros to soccer moms is adding the powder to their smoothies, shakes or morning coffee.

While whey used to dominate the supplement aisle, more protein supplements are making their way onto supermarket shelves. And collagen proteins are leading the parade.

But whether you should ditch your current protein in favour of this mainstream variety depends on your goals. These are the things you need to consider before making an exchange.

What is whey protein?

Have you ever opened a box of yoghurt and had that watery stuff floating to the top of your desk? it’s the same. This liquid is what remains after the milk is curdled and pressed during the cheese-making process.

Along with casein, whey is one of the two primary proteins in dairy and occurs naturally in foods such as milk, Greek yoghurt, and cheese.

Collagen protein vs whey

Collagen protein vs whey has become a powerhouse in supplementation for a few key reasons:

  • Whey is a complete protein, which means it will usually contain all the essential amino acids (that is, the ones your body can’t make on its own and you have to get from food).
  • It is rapidly absorbed by the body, making it an efficient and effective form of protein.
  • Whey is an excellent performance supplement. According to a July 2017 study published in Nutrients, it can have a positive effect on metabolism and post-exercise recovery. According to a 2013 study in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, it can also help you gain lean muscle mass.
  • It is linked to lower blood pressure and inflammation, according to a small December 2016 study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and a July 2012 study in Lipids in Health and Disease, which linked whey to lower oxidative stress.

Whey protein side effects

Although whey has a bunch of benefits, it is not without Whey protein side effects:

It doesn’t always taste good

Natural whey protein powder can be bitter, which is why most whey supplements come in an array of appealing flavours — like traditional chocolate and vanilla, as well as interesting options like peach swirl and a cinnamon bun. But while they may look delicious, the bitter taste can be hard to hide.

It may be high in sugar

Whey supplements are flavoured and sweetened with sugar or artificial sweeteners, which can have the opposite effect when you’re trying to get healthy, fight chronic diseases, or lose weight. If you choose a flavoured whey protein powder, look for one with minimal added sugar which is Whey protein side effects.

Whey contains dairy and lactose

Whey derived from dairy, so people with dairy allergies should avoid it. According to the Whey Protein Institute, most whey powders contain only modest amounts of lactose—whey protein isolate, in particular, contains minimal lactose and well tolerated by people who are lactose intolerant.

Whey can cause stomach upset

Whey can cause stomach upset. So, if your stomach doesn’t feel hot after drinking some whey protein, it’s probably best to cut it out of your diet.

What is collagen?

Another type of protein called collagen is crucial for maintaining and repairing our bones, cartilage, skin, hair, eyes, and digestive tract. There are over 28 different types of collagen found in the human body, making it our most abundant Collagen verses Whey Protein and essential from head to toe.

Collagen is a protein that we make ourselves, but we lose it over time. Starting in our 20s, our bodies begin to produce less collagen each year — a decline that exacerbated by factors such as sun exposure and smoking.

However, there are ways to reverse this collagen loss. Eating foods rich in vitamin C (such as citrus fruits, strawberries and red peppers), collagen-rich foods (such as seafood, meat and eggs) and taking collagen peptide supplements can increase collagen production in the body.

Benefits of Collagen

The latest darling of the supplement world, collagen also has many benefits for fitness, health and wellness:

Collagen helps build lean muscle

According to an October 2015 study on older men in the British Journal of Nutrition, combining collagen supplements with a resistance training program may help build more lean muscle than resistance training alone.

Collagen can help reduce inflammation

According to a February 2017 study in the Journal of Arthritis, it can reduce joint pain in people with osteoarthritis. However, further research is need to verify these findings.

Collagen can improve your skin

According to an August 2014 study in Skin Pharmacology and Physiology, supplementing orally with collagen may help improve skin elasticity.

Collagen side effects

Collagen side effects is not perfect for everyone. Before buying, consider these pitfalls:

May include fish:

Unlike whey, collagen not made from milk and unlikely to cause stomach upset. However, some collagen supplements marine-based, meaning they are derived from fish or shellfish. Therefore, anyone allergic to these foods should avoid marine-based collagen.

Collagen is not vegan-friendly:

Like whey, collagen is an animal-derived product, either made from cows or fish. Therefore, vegans and vegetarians may want to look for plant-based protein powders instead.

Which protein should you choose?

Both supplements are great for promoting lean muscle gains when paired with resistance-style training. However, whey protein can increase resting metabolic rate more than collagen, according to a September 2019 study of nutrients in overweight women.

Whey protein may be more beneficial for changing body composition, but collagen has fewer associated side effects. Especially for those with milk sensitivity or lactose intolerance, collagen may be a better option.

While whey protein may taste better with the different flavours available. Collagen verses Whey Protein may more dynamic, as it generally unflavored and can easily added to your favourite smoothie.

Collagen side effects is naturally tasteless, so it makes a great protein supplement to add to meals – it won’t change or obscure the taste of your food.